Смотреть что такое "cost-per-visit" в других словарях:
cost per product — The cost needed to generate a visit to a website. For advertising on the web it is the cost per banner advertisement divided by the clickthrough rate … Big dictionary of business and management
Pay per click — Internet marketing Display advertising Email marketing E mail marketing software Interactive advertising … Wikipedia
Generalised cost — In transport economics, the generalised cost is the sum of the monetary and non monetary costs of a journey.Monetary (or out of pocket ) costs might include a fare on a public transport journey, or the costs of fuel, wear and tear and any parking … Wikipedia
Opportunity cost — Economics … Wikipedia
Стоимость за посетителя — стоимость за 1000 посетителей, попавших на сайт рекламодателя через баннер. Посетителем считается пользователь, кликнувший на баннер. Модель CPV предполагает, что подсчет посетителей ведется непосредственно на стороне рекламодателя. По английски … Финансовый словарь
Health care system — A health care system is the organization of people, institutions, and resources to deliver health care services to meet the health needs of target populations. There is a wide variety of health care systems around the world, with as many… … Wikipedia
Schools — • History and development of education as related to the church Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Schools Schools † … Catholic encyclopedia
Web analytics — Internet marketing Display advertising Email marketing E mail marketing software Interactive advertising Cloud marketing Social media optimization … Wikipedia
Medicare (Canada) — Medicare (French: assurance maladie) is the unofficial name for Canada s publicly funded universal health insurance system.[1] The formal terminology for the insurance system is provided by the Canada Health Act and the health insurance… … Wikipedia
Mississippi State Penitentiary — For the song, see Parchman Farm (song). Parchman Unincorporated community Mississippi State Penitentiary … Wikipedia
mass transit — a system of large scale public transportation in a given metropolitan area, typically comprising buses, subways, and elevated trains. Cf. rapid transit. * * * Transportation systems, usually publicly but sometimes privately owned and operated,… … Universalium